Saturday, June 26, 2010

Let's start from the very beginning...

Hello World!

For those who know me already - this space was once a personal blog. Emotional outbursts, crushes, random ramblings, idle evenings and sunday mornings - you get the drift. Times changed, things changed and may be somewhere so did I. My earlier personal blog seemed to call me back and I shut-down this one. But there was always a tugging - a feeling of having let down something of my own. 

And so I came up with this is idea of making this blog into a 'non-personal, shareable-with-all' kinda place..write stuff that I have no qualms sharing with acquaintances. (It always feels weird to share personal stuff with 'acquaintances'. It's easy with both close friends and strangers but the ones in between are difficult to deal with.) And more importantly writing stuff which is much more than just emotional venting out.

So, here I am inviting the ones already 'following' this blog to stick around and bear with my new form of writing - something more thought-out, more focused about issues, events, ideas I feel strongly about. For those who are new here - thanks for stopping by. And yeah, do stick around if you like what you see. Your comments and suggestions will keep me going (I am such a sucker for appreciation. Yes, I am quite shallow that ways ;)) And no, wont send MNS to your homes for any criticism, so you can definitely make a few (Only a few.)

Thanks :D